Why slow fashion?

Why slow fashion?

Fast fashion practices produce cheap, non-durable clothing items that follow an inefficient linear life cycle. After creation, the garments are distributed, sold, used and disposed of or donated in a matter of months. 

Only around 20% of donated clothing end up back in circulation and the rest enters the global used clothing trade and are shipped to places like Kantamanto Market in Accra, Ghana. Kantamanto receives 15 million new garments every week. About 40% of the clothing that is sent to Kantamanto goes directly into local landfill, polluting the local area, rivers and beaches with tons of the global norths textile waste. For more information about Kantamanto please visit and consider supporting The OR Foundation.

Slow fashion aims to dismantle the current systems. It is an act of rebellion in a society that is praised for over consumption. Slow fashion is an act of love for the people who are disproportionately effected by our greed and our planet who is treated as an infinite resource. Slow fashion is also a tool for change in a society that monetizes off of our insecurities.

At slow rose studio we create one of a kind garments out of unwanted clothing and textiles, extending the life and sharing the history of the garment with our customers. It is important to us that the people who wear our clothes understand where the garment came from so that their relationship with the garment is fully informed. Changing our relationship with clothing and our consumption habits also changes our relationship with the planet.

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